“Our mission is spreading the message of the Gospel farther and faster through the equipping and training of evangelical Christian pilots for mission aviation ministry.  This includes helping pilots meet the qualifications for major mission aviation organizations, as well as training pilots directly for service with smaller, independent mission aviation ministries, and discipling individuals in the inerrant authority of God’s Word.” (MATA Board Of Directors, 3/14/2017)


We have dedicated our lives to the cause of Jesus Christ, and to that end endeavor to make as much of the time God has given us in training up men and women to fulfill the Great Commission. We recognize aviation as a safe and viable solution to transportation needs around the world and strive to give the best instruction we can to prepare servants of Christ for present or future ministry. (More than 1/6 of the world’s population lives in areas where the airplane is the only or the most practical form of transportation.)  Our staff has field experience as missionary pilots, and our alumni are all over the world. MATA staff members are available to speak at local churches, youth groups, schools, and Bible studies sharing the needs and opportunities of missions and mission aviation.
